Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spring is here!!

is SPRING in alaska!!! how do i know for sure?? it smells like wet dog out side... i FINALLY have books to read.. id been going crazy. i finished testing for 9th grade today!! WOOT WOOT!!! its the last sba i will take in my life! next year with be hsqug's after that all i will need are credits and im out!!! but thats a while. well all the other stuff i can think of right now is rather boring so GOD BLESS and may you have AN AWESOME day^.^

About Me

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NOT your normal teen. then again i am. difference? I'm a Christan and TOTTALY on fire for God.I love to make friends. its something im good at. i can write and i can draw. my friends and peers say i could make a living off it.... but thats just ME... GOD BLESS