Saturday, August 16, 2008

pizza, windex, and bug bites

.... my moms making homemade PIZZA.. the best in the world.. im cleaning windows and trying not to go crazy over the smell and ive got bug bites out the wazoo.... thats what i get for camping.... well not really but still.... -.-... ive got ... 4 days intell school starts and this little girl is going to Highschool.. first year so im very much so fresh meat. hehehehe but thank God my brother is going to an eleventh grader.. yayz me.... if life could be any duller i think my world would be black and white at the moment but as people say.. alaska.. you can never know whats gonna hit you. and i VERY much soo agaree.. so off to finish windows... so later people. GOD BLESS

About Me

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NOT your normal teen. then again i am. difference? I'm a Christan and TOTTALY on fire for God.I love to make friends. its something im good at. i can write and i can draw. my friends and peers say i could make a living off it.... but thats just ME... GOD BLESS